Xbox One debut at E3 a few weeks back. But since then Xbox One has been upgraded with new features, speed and graphics. Marc Whitten, Executive at Microsoft and Larry Hyrb, the director of programming for Xbox confirmed it on a podcast today. Whitten revealed that:
Microsoft has built a driver specific to the Xbox One, and boosted the clock speed on the GPU. Since E3 we've dropped in what we internally call our 'mono driver, Whitten said. It's our graphics driver that really is 100 percent optimized for the Xbox One hardware.
As Xbox One inches closer to the final stages of the product, the final tweaks are being done. The speed is claimed to have been increased from 800 to 853mhz, ostensibly providing a 6% increase in graphics processing performance.
The new Smart Match system which utilizes highly advanced algorithms to pair and match players by language, skill and now reputation was touched upon in the podcast as well.
We're really getting into our ability to rethink how we do matching to make sure you get into the matches that you want and that game developers really have the ability to tailor those around both your skill — which has always been something we've spent a lot of time on — but also a lot of other factors,
And Whitten also briefly grazed the increase in graphics speed and performance. The clock speed of the graphics processing unit has increased significantly as well.
Since E3, we've dropped in what we internally call our mono driver. It's our graphics driver that really is 100% optimised for the XboxOne hardware. You start with the base DirectX driver, and then you take out all parts that don't look like Xbox One and you add in everything that really optimises that experience. Almost all of our content partners have really picked it up now, and I think it's made a really nice improvement.
The Microsoft team is working hard for the final stage testing of the Xbox One. Testing the system both internally and externally. And integrating feedback for the launch late in 2013.
Jason Richards 05 Aug, 2013
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