Blackberry's report that Blackberry Messenger (BBM) was set to make its direction to Android and ios as a provision energized numerous however there was no statement on when precisely this might happen. Reports have now developed that Blackberry has begun to take off BBM on Android and ios as a beta test, alluding to a full discharge soon.
Prior this May Blackberry had declared that the administration might be made accessible on Apple and Google's stages by the summer, which implies that the reports of the beta testing are right on opportunity to meet the due date. has uncovered screenshots of the requisition on Android and it does look good.
The main drips came in the form of an email being conveyed to a handful of individuals, welcoming them to be a part of the new program inside the Blackberry Beta Zone. To have the ability to utilize BBM on Android, you'd not just need to be a part of the Beta Zone, additionally have an Android device running form 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich and up. For ios clients, you'd require your device to be running ios 6 and up.
Update: We just got an official comment on the beta rollout, and it turns out the it had a limited number of slots, which have all been claimed:
BlackBerry has begun internal testing of BBM on Android and iOS devices. We invited our employees to nominate friends and family to participate in a limited Android beta. Those slots are now full. For more information, please visit
Amna Tarar 04 Aug, 2013
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