The Samsung Galaxy S4 mini dual –SIM 1912 is already on sale from different online stores and different countries.
The Galaxy S4 mini dual-SIM is available on Amazon US carries at just $483, but on Amazon only 20 units available at that price and these devices are available in only Black Mist color. If you prefer White Frost, than there are only 10 units at $489.
This device also available on Cells4u and there price is just $470 for the Black Mist version, which is cheaper than the sing-SIM units.
Its available in same black color on Techno Trading House at $515, and $5 more at Negri Electronics $520, but they have the White Frost as well. And the Galaxy S4 mini dual-SIM is available on Overseas Electronics at $580. In India Flipkart they offer both colors units at INR27, 990 ($470). And that is available in Egypt on Raya Shop carriers it for EGP4, 000 ($570).
And in Spain Movistar will offer the Galaxy S4 mini dual-SIM on contract at €35 a month but it is still not available.
Ayesha Tarar
Is Freelance blogger, SEO Expert and article writer. She frequently writes on Technology, Gadgets, Fashion and randomly topics. Her favorite site is GadgetsDairy
Ayesha Tarar 20 Jul, 2013
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