Candy Crush Saga is one of the newest mobile/social game addictions, which is well known puzzle game as well. Candy Crush Saga puzzles game developed by and release on their website as well. This game released for Android and iOS but you can play it on Facebook as well. It's a most famous Android game and million people also play it on Facebook as well. And main interesting thing is that it's a free game you don't need to pay for playing it. When you start finishing a few puzzles, but the difficulty ramps up when you get closer those higher digits. Here we are going to tell you that how you can clear hard level and use tip for clearing you all level.
The Candy Crush Saga is more similar to bejeweled, in this game player create row or columns with three candies of the same color and just simply remove them after removing it can get marks and also lower more onto the screen. Even combine candies like 4 or 5, and make new sweets that can then be joined to make awesome impacts that will crush even more candy. For example when you combine 4 candied you will get a strip sweet, which will finish a row or Colum, or you can get a Sachet by consol or you can get a Sachet by consolidating candies fit as a fiddle of L, which will act like a bomb, and the best thing when you join together 5 candies you take care of business a Disco ball, switch it with any candy and all the candies of that sort will be Gone on the screen.
Even it's a free game in that sense you don't need to pay to download it, but you need a throw in a few bucks for power up's or add-on's. and those power candies add +5 moves that could get your past some of the hardest levels in the game will make you reach into your digital wallet and drop a few bucks on them, but in that case if you are impatient.
Even sometimes the use of these paid power up's don't guarantee that you will be finishing a level. So always save yourself and play the game at slow pace if you are willing to progress at a stable rate. But if you're like some other folks out there who don't want to wait to complete those super tough levels, go ahead and purchase a Lollipop Hammer or two. Go ahead and save them up for those puzzle scenarios that you'll actually need them for though, not for quick fixes for those puzzles you're playing at the moment.
Here is the number of general tips and tricks which will be useful for you, and also can help you out.
- Look for the patterns
- Start at the bottom
- Always try to pay attentions to the stripes
- And do work for the combos 1st
- Try to get the Jelly off the edge as soon as you can
- Checked that what are the other threats?
- Only +5 candies give you more extra time
- Always make a plan
- Be conscious
- Fast forward in time for extra lives as well
So these are all just a general tips for playing the Candy Crush Puzzle game, hop so when you concentrate on these tips you will play better more than before.
But here I am going to give you more cheats and hints for each level like in each level you can take help from the below list. Checked it out..!
- Levels 1- 40
- Levels 41- 80
- Levels 81 – 120
- Levels 121 – 160
- Levels 161 – 200
- Levels 201 – 240
- Levels 241 – 280
- Levels 281 – 320
- Levels 321 – 360
Ayesha Tarar 25 Jul, 2013
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