Monday, 10 June 2013

Angry Birds: Star Wars 1.1.2

It seems a new way to keep fans surrounded in same environment which has received great appreciation from them. Not completely new, but rather a new-ish trend where hit movies are transformed in to video games which user can play. It's not a bad way to get hold of the loyalties of the fans and develop more passion for your product. The best thing about it is that your actions during game play decides the outcome of the mission. Its nice feeling, power to control and influence the outcome, all of us want that. Recently one of such games "Angry Birds: Star Wars 1.1.2" hit the scene. It is basically an officially licensed Star Wars-themed game which uses the environment of already quite famous android application called Angry birds. The admirers of star wars would know the characters like Dath Vader, C3PO and R2D2 are being played by birds in a game.  Although most of the previous released version's space physics is retained but few cool and special abilities are also included like use of the force, and light saber-wielding.

Angry Birds Star Wars 1.1.2

Lot of help regarding how to accomplish the goal of the certain stages are available on the public domain. Social networking like Facebook and Twitter have massive fans who regularly share their experiences and provide help. It may amazes some people who are not into games or not in to these types of games that how seriously and passionately people are taking this version of Angry birds.

This version of Angry birds follow the plot of the original movie, A New Hope. And there are millions of admirers of A New Hope, that's we all know. Mysterious and iconic locations like Tatooine, Hoth, and the Pig Star are included in the game. The skillful recreation of both the characters and the environment along with music from original score makes the game ever so appealing and addictive.  Many critics of angry birds are convinced that this is the best version of game so far.

Angry Birds: Star Wars 1.1.2

There is no difference in the game play of this version of Angry bird. Same old launch of birds from catapult which aims at destroying a structure in which bad guys are residing. Like in previous versions, your efficiency is measured in stars, more quickly you vanish the bad guys, higher you score. One could score 3 Stars at most in any level. You got to undergo 80 stages before you could see the end of the game. In between you may get bonus stages too. So it will take some time to clear all the stages.

Angry Birds: Star Wars 1.1.2

Game has cool effects and breath taking graphics along with very interesting physics based game play. Despite all this, the potential game lovers would be either the fans of star wars or admirers of Angry birds. For the rest, game may seems rather repetitive, frustrating and tiresome. What I would suggest is to have a go at it at least once even if you are not a big fan of Angry birds or star wars. At the end of the day what matter most is having a fun and I am convinced it is quite a fun playing this version of Angry birds

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Ayesha Tarar 10 Jun, 2013

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